Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sestina/Big Top

On to the grounds, following the bustling crowd;

I make my way to the center of it all, the razzling, dazzling big top!

Slowly but surely, I get round to my seat;

Never once taking my eyes off the center ring.

Tonight is the night of their final performance!

And I aim to capture it all in my gaze…

The lights begin to dim all around, and the collective gaze

Settles on the center ring, where the crowd

Awaits the ringleader, to start off the performance.

Not one to disappoint, he comes out, spinning like a top

He stops right at the center of his stage (the ring)

And bids everyone to their seat.

“Tonight, you might as well bid farewell to your seat,

As you’ll spend all this evening in awe on your feet, please gaze

If you will, on the westernmost ring!”

And everyone looked, as their eyes began to crowd…

Not the bottom by the nets, but the trapeze at the top!

As the audience finally spots them, the acrobats began their performance.

And what a performance!

Flipping through the air, grabbing at legs, or taking a seat;

Such daring jumps and deadly leaps, surely nothing else could top

Their aerial feats. My gaze

Was entranced (as was that of the crowd)

Until a sound signaled the end, it was a bell we heard ring.

As the acrobats left, new acts entered the ring

Clowns, fire eaters, and animals all joined the performance.

Everything looked amazing, but it became too big of a crowd

Too hectic, too loud, so I got up from my seat.

Though try as I might, I couldn’t take it all in one gaze

Too much action in this space, each one vying for the top.

At last, from left, to right, from the bottom, to the top

The show slowly stopped and brought it back to center ring

The ringleader thanked us and dismissed us once and for all, my gaze

No longer in a daze, now etched with the nights performance

Acts, tricks, and animals, all had me at the edge of my seat.

Still now, I can see it… if I just listen to the chatting of the crowd.

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